Get Slim Rochester Blog

Can Losing Weight Reduce Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Rochester?

Can Losing Weight Reduce Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Rochester? Obesity has the potential to cause a host of different health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. One obesity-related issue that doesn’t always get the same level of attention is sleep apnea. Anyone suffering from sleep apnea knows just how unsettling and disruptive…

weight loss alternatives in rochester ny

Alkaline or Acidic: Weight Loss Specialist in Rochester Explains What It Means For Your Body

Alkaline or Acidic: Weight Loss Specialist in Rochester Explains What It Means For Your Body Our bodily fluids register on a scale of 0 to 14. Seven is neither acidic nor alkaline. The higher number over 7 the more alkaline. Anything 7 to 0 is increasingly acidic. The pH scale increases or decreases at an…